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Is pain-free laser hair removal possible?

Is pain-free laser hair removal possible?

The summer sun means a season of continual hair removal, with constant waxing or shaving to ensure fuzz-free limbs. In fact, in a recent survey by market analysis company Mintel, 73% of women felt under pressure to remove body hair and only 8% had not de-fuzzed in the past year.

Mintel’s survey also shed light on the top areas for hair removal for women, with legs coming out top at 82%, followed by the underarms and bikini line. Even our upper limbs can be a source of concern with 15% of women wanting hair-free arms.

The drawbacks of waxing and shaving are well-known, with rashes, ingrown hairs and the constant cycle of hair regrowth to contend with, which is why more and more women are turning to permanent laser hair reduction. However, one concern that often holds women back is how painful it is likely to be.

5 tips on how to achieve a pain-free laser hair removal procedure:

# 1: take some pain relief

If you’re anxious about your procedure being painful, it can often be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as stress can affect your ability to regulate or perceive pain. Taking over-the-counter pain relief in advance can help to take the edge of and ensure you’re relaxed and comfortable during your procedure.

# 2: ask about numbing cream

A topical local anaesthetic cream can be applied to the skin prior to your procedure to numb the area, so speak to your practitioner, although the latest pain-free devices mean that this isn’t necessary

# 3: avoid IPLThe Soprano ICE Platinum Painless Laser Hair Removal treatment Cardiff

Many patients who have had uncomfortable hair reduction experiences in the past, have actually undergone Intense Pulsed Light or IPL, which is often described as like the snapping of a rubber band. Individuals have differing pain thresholds and it often depends on the area being treated, but many patients find IPL very uncomfortable.

# 4: cool down afterwards

Chilled aloe vera lotion or ice packs can help cool down the treatment area after your session.

# 5: research the latest pain-free options

The Soprano laser system offers pain-free laser hair reduction and its latest award-winning device is the ICE Platinum which takes patient comfort to the next level. The hair follicles are heated very gradually, with no damage to the surrounding tissue. At the same time, the device utilises an innovative cooling technology called IN Motion® that cools the treatment area.

It’s also quick; the large spot size of its 810nm wavelength means that the treatment can be performed in half the time.

So, if you’re sick of another summer of waxing or shaving, then it’s time to consider laser hair removal. And one of the many advantages of Soprano ICE Platinum’s trio clustered diode technology, is that it can be performed on tanned skin, so you don’t have to wait until summer is a distant memory.

For more information or to book an appointment for pain-free laser hair removal, call the Specialist Skin Clinic on 02920 617690

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Specialist Skin Clinic
10 Penlline Road
CF14 2AD

To book an appointment

T: 02920 617690

F: 02920 621209